
Brand Launch Campaign

Paradox in a bottle.

Cognac is one of the oldest categories of spirit on the planet — and one of the most traditional. With a history of production stretching back to the 1500, it’s not every day that something entirely new enters the space. But in the enchanting proprety of Chateau d'Ars, the fourth-generation custodians of one of the world’s most coveted domaines is doing just that.

They set out to create a new kind of cognac, one rooted in a centuries-long tradition of craftsmanship, but made approachable to a younger consumer. The result is Martingale Cognac. A brand new spirit for a new generation.

The challenge for us in creating this campaign was working with a client that is both an entirely new brand, but also a legacy company. Not unlike their distillation process, it was about blending the characteristics of both to find the rich balance between.

Client: Martingale Cognac
Client Leads: Andrew Weir, Léa Netter Borel
Agency: Converge Productions

Creative Director & Executive Producer: Samuel Grandchamp
Producers: Greyson Korhonen, Stu Segal

Studio: Artaban
Cinematographer: David Baumann
Camera and Lighting Assistants: Joao Prates, Quentin Juvet, Lucas Charles
Set Designers: Lenaka

Editor: Baptiste Honorin
Color & Retouching: Jean-Baptiste Andrez